Chris Cheated on Johnie, Taylor Slams JP
Nearly one and a half years after Season 5 of “Love Is Blind” wrapped, Netflix filmed the reunion — not live this time around. On Sunday night, married duo Lydia Velez Gonzalez and Milton Johnson sat down with the other singles from the season — Johnie Maraist, Chris Fox, Stacy Snyder, Izzy Zapata Jr., Talyor Rue, JP Pierce and Aaliyah Cosby. Uche Okoroha was invited but decided not to come, hosts Nick and Vanessa Lachey said during the hour-long special.
While each pair gave an update on their relationship status, there were a few unexpected twists — and some major shade thrown by the hosts. (Last time, the Lacheys received a bit of backlash for being so quippy, but this time around, they had a bit more fun with it.)
“We had JP talking his way into an engagement and then never speaking another word,” Nick said at the top of the special.
Later, Chris admitted that he cheated on Johnie after vigorously defending her during the season. “I’m always going to defend the people that I love,” he said. Vanessa responded, “You just said, I will always defend the ones I love, but if I may, would you cheat on those you love?”
He replied, “Apparently yes.”
See all the updates from the couple(s) and singles below.
Lydia Velez Gonzalez and Milton Johnson
The pair were happier than ever on the reunion. Over the last 18 months, they had another wedding in Puerto Rico and Lydia has become very close with Milton’s mom.
Johnie Maraist and Chris Fox
The former couple are not together. Shortly after the party in Houston, which aired on the season, he cheated on Johnnie. Later, Johnnie and Izzy ran into each other in a bar (which Chris was at) and shared one kiss but realized they were not compatible. Both Johnie and Chris are dating other people now.
Stacy Snyder and Izzy Zapata Jr
During the reunion, Stacy said she wanted to say yes at the altar but didn’t think they were ready. After the wedding, they spent a week apart and while he thought they were going to try a relationship, she didn’t want to. They didn’t speak for a year until they ran into each other at a bar.
Now, they are close friends — and once ended up in the same cooking class, while each of them were on a date.
Aaliyah Cosby and Uche Okoroha
Aaliyah said she and Uche tried to date after the pods, but he had told others she wasn’t “the type of woman he normally found attractive.” She claimed he was mean and condescending and was shocked by some of the scenes she watched back.
Aaliyah and Lydia claimed that Uche texted them both on premiere day the same thing, telling them he was around if they wanted to discuss. He also texted Milton multiple times, but he never responded.
Aaliyah said she felt that producers should have allowed Lydia and Uche to share their past, but didn’t fully believe that they didn’t discuss coming on the show beforehand. Lydia admitted she and Uche had one, brief conversation about seeing the “Love Is Blind” casting announcement, but did not know he was going and never hoped he was. In turn, Milton said Uche “was obsessed” with his relationship with Lydia.
Aaliyah is now in a relationship with a man she met on a cruise.
Taylor Rue and Jared “JP” Pierce
The reunion was the first time JP and Taylor had seen each other since the getaways.
Regarding JP’s makeup comment during the show, he claimed it came out wrong and he just meant that she was beautiful without makeup. Taylor didn’t believe him and said she doesn’t believe he was ever attracted to her.
When asked whether that was true, JP said that the first time he saw Taylor, it was “a little shocking and offputting” and that her appearance came off as “fake.”
They are both seeing other people now.
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